About This Blog

I started this blog in the Fall of 2008 as an online source for writing samples because I was interested in exploring a career in print journalism. It was shortly after that that I started getting stalked and harassed. Later, the blog morphed into mainly a record of some of my strange experiences which I now know are part of covert anti-American, socialist, anti-Christian brainwashing. It also includes attempts to provide proof of my claims as those behind what's happening to me are intent on portraying me as insane. Because some involved were attempting to drive me to an act of violence against someone else or myself, I used the diary sections as a vent, so you may run into a 4-letter word here and there--it's better than the potential alternative. There are other entries and comments in the diaries that pertain to why I've been specifically targeted for this brainwashing. "The People & More" is a list of operatives I've had strange, sometimes menacing, often tormenting encounters with and quotes by some of the most important people involved, mainly my brother, Joseph C. Zoccali, Scientologist, con artist, Alice Cooper and Jethro Tull fan. Mixed in, there are a few posts that are just plain blog posts about something I might have observed or a current event.
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