Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Former NFL Guard's Story Similar to Chris Brymer's

In a March, 2011 Tampa Bay Times article, Stephen F. Holder writes of former Buccaneers offensive lineman, Aaron Sears and his suffering from apparent mental instability.  Sears is the most recent NFL vet to join the class-action suit against the league involving debilitating brain injuries.  Sears' story is similar to that of former USC standout, Chris Brymer--also an offensive lineman:

"Media Coverage of Hidden Brain Damage Mounts" --J. Paul Zoccali, Communication By Symbol


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Groping by TSA Screeners a "Self-Entangled" Mess

Here's a post from Los Angeles Airlines/Airport Examiner Joel Sigfried about airport security screeners groping passengers' breasts and genitalia.  I pass it on because I watched the exact scenario described happen to my terminally ill, elderly mother as she sit in her wheelchair--in tears.

Woman charged with groping TSA supervisor in Fort Myers, Fla.


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Funky Dancer in SF
